About Me

Hi! I’m Zitai Wang (王子泰, E-mail: wangzitai@ict.ac.cn). Now I am a Post-doc Fellow at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS). I received the Ph.D. degree in Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIE, CAS), supervised by Prof. Qingming Huang (黄庆明) (IEEE Fellow). I am also lucky to have opportunities to collaborate with Qianqian Xu (许倩倩) (Professor at ICT, CAS), Xiaochun Cao (操晓春) (Professor at Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University), Yuan He (何源) (Qiyuan Laboratory), Zhiyong Yang (杨智勇) (Assistant Professor at UCAS), Ke Ma (马坷) (Assistant Professor at UCAS), and Yangbangyan Jiang (姜阳邦彦) (Postdoc at UCAS).

My research interest includes machine learning and data mining. I have authored or co-authored several academic papers in top-tier international conferences and journals, including T-PAMI, IJCV, ICML, NeurIPS, AAAI, and ACM Multimedia.

📝 Publications

Optimizing Partial Area Under the Top-k Curve: Theory and Practice

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Yuan He, Xiaochun Cao and Qingming Huang. Optimizing Partial Area Under the Top-k Curve: Theory and Practice. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI, IF: 20.8), 45(4): 5053–5069, Apr. 2023. | [Code]

Top-K Pairwise Ranking: Bridging the Gap Among Ranking-Based Measures for Multi-Label Classification

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Peisong Wen, Yuan He, Xiaochun Cao, Qingming Huang. Top-K Pairwise Ranking: Bridging the Gap Among Ranking-Based Measures for Multi-Label Classification. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV, IF: 11.6), 2024. (Accepted)

A Unified Generalization Analysis of Re-Weighting and Logit-Adjustment for Imbalanced Learning

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Yuan He, Xiaochun Cao and Qingming Huang. A Unified Generalization Analysis of Re-Weighting and Logit-Adjustment for Imbalanced Learning. Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 48417–48430, 2023. (Spotlight, 3.1%) | [Code] | [Video] | [Slides] | [PaperwithCode]

OpenAUC: Towards AUC-Oriented Open-Set Recognition

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Yuan He, Xiaochun Cao and Qingming Huang. OpenAUC: Towards AUC-Oriented Open-Set Recognition. Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 25033–25045, 2022. (Spotlight, 5.4%) | [Code] | [Video] | [Poster] | [Slides]

Confederated Learning: Going Beyond Centralization

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Ke Ma, Xiaochun Cao and Qingming Huang. Confederated Learning: Going Beyond Centralization. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2939–2947, 2022. (Oral, 5.6%) | [Code] | [Slides]

Implicit feedbacks are not always favorable: Iterative Relabeled One-Class Collaborative Filtering against Noisy Interactions

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Xiaochun Cao and Qingming Huang. Implicit feedbacks are not always favorable: Iterative Relabeled One-Class Collaborative Filtering against Noisy Interactions. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 3070–3078, 2021. | [Code] | [Poster] | [Slides]

Adversarial Preference Learning with Pairwise Comparisons

Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Ke Ma, Yangbangyan Jiang, Xiaochun Cao and Qingming Huang. Adversarial Preference Learning with Pairwise Comparisons. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 656–664, 2019. (Oral, 9.4%) | [Code] | [Poster] | [Slides]

Harnessing Hierarchical Label Distribution Variations in Test Agnostic Long-tail Recognition

Zhiyong Yang, Qianqian Xu, Zitai Wang, Sicong Li, Boyu Han, Shilong Bao, Xiaochun Cao, Qingming Huang. Harnessing Hierarchical Label Distribution Variations in Test Agnostic Long-tail Recognition. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024. (Accepted) | [Code] | [Video]

When Measures are Unreliable: Imperceptible Adversarial Perturbations toward Top-k Multi-Label Learning

Yuchen Sun, Qianqian Xu, Zitai Wang, and Qingming Huang. When Measures are Unreliable: Imperceptible Adversarial Perturbations toward Top-k Multi-Label Learning. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 1515–1526, 2023. (Oral, 5.4%) | [Code]

ADA-GAD: Anomaly-Denoised Autoencoders for Graph Anomaly Detection

Junwei He, Qianqian Xu, Yangbangyan Jiang, Zitai Wang, Qingming Huang. ADA-GAD: Anomaly-Denoised Autoencoders for Graph Anomaly Detection. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 8481–8489, 2024. | [Code]

HGOE: Hybrid External and Internal Graph Outlier Exposure for Graph Out-of-Distribution Detection

Junwei He, Qianqian Xu, Yangbangyan Jiang, Zitai Wang, Yuchen Sun, Qingming Huang. HGOE: Hybrid External and Internal Graph Outlier Exposure for Graph Out-of-Distribution Detection. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2024. (Accepted)

📖 Academic Services


  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE T-PAMI): Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE T-CSVT): Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE T-KDE): Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE T-MM): Reviewer
  • Pattern Recognition (PR): Reviewer


  • NeruIPS:PC Member (2024)
  • CVPR: PC Member (2024)
  • AAAI: PC Member (2023, 2024, 2025)
  • ACM MM: PC Member (2023, 2024)
  • ICDE: PC Member (2024)
  • ACML: PC Member (2024)

💬 Invited Talks & Presentations

  • 2024.01:   TechBeat Talk of NeurIPS 2023. [Video].
  • 2023.12:   AI TIME Talk of NeurIPS 2023. [Page].
  • 2023.12:   Young Scientists Conference of CSIG. [Poster].
  • 2023.10:   PhD. student Forum of PRCV 2023. [Page].
  • 2023.02:   AI TIME Youth PhD Talk of NeurIPS 2022. [Video].

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2024 Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of PRC (博士后创新人才支持计划)
  • 2024 CAS President Award (Excellent Prize) (中国科学院院长优秀奖)
  • 2024 Excellent Graduate of Beijing & UCAS. (北京市优秀毕业生,中国科学院大学优秀毕业生)
  • 2023 National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of the PRC. (国家奖学金)
  • 2021 Director Scholarship (Excellent Prize), IIE, CAS. (中国科学院信工所所长优秀奖)
  • 2019 Excellent Graduate of Beijing & BJTU. (北京市优秀毕业生,北京交通大学优秀毕业生)

🎓 Educations


2019.09 - 2024.06, Ph.D.

Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院信息工程研究所, IIE, CAS).

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.


2015.09 - 2019.06, Undergraduate.

School of Computer and Information Technology.

Beijing Jiaotong University (北京交通大学, BJTU), Beijing.